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 I've always had a hard time explaining Type I Diabetes to children but the model and chart I recently purchased from Anatomy Now have made it much easier. I even learned a few things about my own symptoms!! 
-Carrie Bardwell - Bloomington, IL

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Human Breast Cancer Self-Exam Model #3401
Human Breast Cancer Self-Exam Model #3401
Breast Cancer Card Front
Breast Cancer Card Front
Breast Cancer Card Back
Breast Cancer Card Back
Read Customer Reviews

Measurements: 8 3/4" x 6 1/4"


Money Back Guarantee:  This Breast Cancer Self-Exam tool comes with a money back guarantee through Anatomy Now.  If you don't like this model for any reason send it back to us within one week of its delivery and we will be happy to refund the purchase price.  Please note that personalized models are excluded from this return policy without proof of an imprinting error.  Anatomy Now is your one-stop-shop for any Anatomical Model, Anatomical Chart, Anatomy Reference Guide, or Anatomy Training Aid.

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Human Breast Cancer Self-Exam Model #3401

Human Breast Cancer Self-Exam Model #3401:


This anatomically accurate model is designed to educate women on the proper techniques of breast self-examinations.  This full-size breast cancer model is life-like to the touch and simulates the feel of a typical tumor.  It also includes embedded lumps that simulate a fibrocystic mass and lactiferous duct.   The base is imprinted with three recommended patterns for conducting breast self-examinations and an education card is included which shows the locations of each of the irregular masses including the tumor.  This piece would make an excellent addition to any Gynecologist's office, exam room or waiting room!

Price (USD): $118.70
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