I've always had a hard time explaining Type I Diabetes to children but the model and chart I recently purchased from Anatomy Now have made it much easier. I even learned a few things about my own symptoms!! 
-Carrie Bardwell - Bloomington, IL

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Human Dental And Teeth Models

This page is the ideal place to find dental models for sales and other dental anatomy products which will help explain many of the components and potential disorders of the human mouth, jaw and teeth.  Dentistry is widely considered necessary for complete overall health.  Dentistry is the known evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders and conditions of the soft and hard tissues of the jaw (mandible), the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and the adjacent and associated structures and their impact on the human body.  

Human TMJ Model #2880
Our Price: $132.75
Human Teeth Model #2860
Our Price: $99.20
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